OSU Extension Collaborates with the North American Pawpaw Growers Association at Mansfield Correctional Institution

On a bright, sunny Thursday morning in October, ANR Extension Educators, Carrie Brown of Fairfield County and Dan Lima of Belmont County, teamed up with the North American Pawpaw Growers Association (NAPGA) and the Ohio Nut Growers Association (ONGA) to establish a grove of pawpaw trees at the Mansfield Correctional Institution.
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Carrie Brown

Don't Miss This TOTAL Landscape Learning Experience

Time and again I have heard, “I miss the old OSU Nursery Short Course where we could talk about landscape plants, bugs, diseases and what might impact our industry next!”  Well, stop dreaming of the good old days and get back into understanding potential future landscape plants and challenges!!  A great landscape educational experience can be discovered at the Ohio State University Short Course.  Why call it the OSU Short Course??  Because the OSU Short Course is exactly that— a short, intensive course of educational classes and updates that are all landscape related!...

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Erik Draper

Autumn Beauty Abounds

What a spectacular year for fall color! From red maples reminiscent of a sailor’s sunset and gingko as bright as the sun shining on them, it’s difficult not to become entranced by the majestic display tendered by changing autumn leaves. Offering an explosion for the senses, what we are really experiencing is chemistry happing right before our eyes! Let’s take a closer look at some of this year’s highlights.
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Carrie Brown
Curtis E. Young

White Pine Aphids: Is it the Last Hurrah for the “Year of the Aphid”?

There have been 7 BYGL Alerts this season dedicated to aphids on trees and shrubs. This will be the 8th. The unusual abundance of aphids this season caused us to declare 2023 “The Year of the Aphid” in an Alert posted on June 16 [see “The Year of the Aphid. Is Help on the Way?”].
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Joe Boggs

Peony Clean-Up in Landscape Aisle 1

Beautiful peony displays are sometimes marred by several diseases with the most notorious being Peony Leaf Blotch caused by the fungus Graphiopsis chlorocephala (formerly Cladosporium paeoniae). The fungus is also responsible for producing other diseases on peonies with different common names depending on the symptoms.
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Joe Boggs