White Pine Aphids: Is it the Last Hurrah for the “Year of the Aphid”?

There have been 7 BYGL Alerts this season dedicated to aphids on trees and shrubs. This will be the 8th. The unusual abundance of aphids this season caused us to declare 2023 “The Year of the Aphid” in an Alert posted on June 16 [see “The Year of the Aphid. Is Help on the Way?”].
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Joe Boggs

Peony Clean-Up in Landscape Aisle 1

Beautiful peony displays are sometimes marred by several diseases with the most notorious being Peony Leaf Blotch caused by the fungus Graphiopsis chlorocephala (formerly Cladosporium paeoniae). The fungus is also responsible for producing other diseases on peonies with different common names depending on the symptoms.
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Joe Boggs

Fall Leaf Colors Intensify in NE Ohio

One of my favorite times of year has arrived and the colors of leaves have begun to change.  Some trees are a riot of colors while others are just downright… blah-blah.  So, let’s review the science behind why leaves change colors and then maybe you can forecast your own potential fall spectrum of color chances!


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Erik Draper

They’re Not Giant, Mutant Mosquitoes: They’re Crane Flies

Participants in the BYGL Zoom Inservice this past week reported that swarms of crane flies (order Diptera, family Tipulidae) are bellowing up from lawns in Ohio, particularly in the northern part of the state. These large mosquito-like dipterans are also buzzing porch lights and may occasionally find their way into homes to terrorize the occupants.
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Joe Boggs