Turf Team Times, 03.15.2024
Prescribed Burn in Erie County a Great Success
Now is a Fine Time to Scout for Poison Hemlock
Nature Note: Skunk Cabbage is in Bloom
Growing Degree Days (GDD) and Plant Phenology, Summary February 2024
Huron Elementary 3rd and 4th graders get firsthand experience with Spotted Lanternfly
It's Time to Start Seeds
As I sit here writing this article, looking out at the cold rainy day, I’m dreaming of warm days in the garden. March 19th will be the first day of spring. With that being said, it’s time to start thinking about planning vegetable gardens. If starting a new garden, soil testing the site where the garden will go is a good idea. If it is an existing garden and the soil has never been tested, now would be a good time to think about testing it. Your local OSU Extension office can help you with soil testing.
...March Virtual Book Club - What A Plant Knows
Growing Degree Days (GDD) and Plant Phenology, January 2024 Summary
The Plant Phenology and Growing Degree Day (GDD) posts and impacts have been a Buckeye Yard and Garden onLine (BYGL) staple for years. GDD will continue to be an important part of the blog written to assist green industry professionals, Extension professionals, Extension volunteers, and people with a passion for plants and pests too.
While there isn't usually a lot to report as part of the January summary, members of the OSU Buckeye Environmental Horticulture Team (BEHT) have been discussing the...