Three new Box Tree Moth (BTM) fact sheets have been posted on the OSU Extension, Ohioline website. They cover its history and spread, what to look for, and what you can do about BTM.
The Tri-State Green Industry Conference (GIC) has been offered annually for over 85 years. From its humble beginnings in a greenhouse head house, the GIC has grown to a premier regional one-day training event with 10 educational tracks providing a wide range of required professional credits and a trade show highlighting Green Industry vendors.
In a past BYGL, you may recall hearing about the National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW), coordinated by the North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA). That BYGL Alert was simply an announcement of the efforts, shared what was happening, and was posted on the actual week of the Awareness Week. Today's Alert will not only share the upcoming dates and details of the week in February, but will also encourage engagement at the local level - including what you can do!
This past Wednesday, December 18, the WSDA in partnership with the USDA announced that after three years without any confirmed detections, the northern giant hornet is officially declared to be eradicated from the U.S.
Join us for the semester's final session of the Emerald Ash Borer University: “Biological Invasion by Emerald Ash Borer Threatens Keystone Species Indelibly Entwined with Indigenous Cultures”
The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has expanded the Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis) federal quarantines to include all counties in Delaware and Erie County in Pennsylvania. Ohioans should note the close proximity of BTM to Green Industry interests in the northeast part of the state.
Do you know what a SEICHE is? It is all the buzz in northwest Ohio. Earlier today, Ross Ellet and Meteorologist on 13ABC (Toledo, Ohio) made a couple posts on Facebook describing a seiche, and what was happening in Lake Erie.
Spicebush is a valuable native plant in Ohio, known for its aromatic leaves and vibrant fall color. However, recent observations have identified several significant health issues, including dieback, wilting, thrips damage and viral symptoms. This article provides an overview of the current concerns on spicebush in the region.
As the battle rages on whether to purchase a “Real” tree every year or an Artificial tree that can be stored and put up every year, what’s the ‘Right’ choice. For some, this can be very personal causing stress even among family members. One possible solution, “Why not just do both!”
The spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) (SLF) continues make the news, both locally in Ohio, and across much of the eastern United States. While adult SLF are still active in Ohio, as a result of the warmer than average temperatures that we have been experiencing, numbers are appearing to decrease from earlier observations in the field. Freezing temperatures will kill the remaining adults that continue to feed, lay eggs and be a nuisance simply by their presences and the sticky sweet honeydew and the sooty mold that follows, and an agricultural pest that threatens vineyards and more.