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Box Tree Moth (BTM) Update #1

Box tree moth (BTM) caterpillars in southwest Ohio have awakened from their winter slumber meaning Ohio’s BTM hunting season is now open. There is no bag limit. This means it's time to take a close look at boxwoods to find, report, and manage BTM.
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Joe Boggs
Amy Stone

A Perspective on Boxwoods

Boxwoods (Buxus spp.) in Ohio continue to be “in the news” this season as a result of the carry-over of several challenges experienced last season. Those challenges have caused some to question the continued reliance on a long-reliable plant. However, is rejecting boxwoods based on perception or reality?
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Joe Boggs
Francesca Peduto Hand

Learn More About the Great Lakes Basin Forest Health Collaborative (GLB FHC)

Many of our BYGL readers, like yourself, are interested in the health of our forests, whether that be large expansive woodlands, or individual plants in urban areas. We were recently contacted by Anna Funk and Rachel Kappler with Holden Arboretum and the Great Lakes Basin Forest Health Collaborative. Below you will find information written by Anna and Rachel to introduce you, in a Q and A approach, to the collaborative and most importantly what you can do to help.
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Amy Stone
Joe Boggs